Not long now until 5th April 2015 and the end of this tax year! Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun! Don’t miss the opportunity to make the most of any last minute financial planning.
This may include topping up your ISA if you have not invested the maximum allowable in the tax year; also making additional payments into your pension if you have not already reached the maximum.
For those of you with potential capital gains, have you utilised your full CGT allowance for this tax year? This is £11,000 for this tax year.
Some of you may also wish to make use of your £3000 annual gift allowance which is exempt from IHT.
Finally, for those of you who are self employed and suffer tax under CIS, why not start pulling together your paperwork for the end of the tax year. As soon as the new year starts, you can pass this paperwork over to your accountant to see if you are entitled to any kind of tax rebate.
Now is the time to act!…
If any of the above makes no sense to you at all, or you need help in any of these areas, just give us a ring on 0800 180 4252.