Already passed the longest day and the nights are getting darker!! ..
And for those of you receiving tax credits, you have until 31 July 2015 to complete your annual review otherwise your payments may stop. If you are self-employed, you may need the help of an accountant to assist you with calculating your net income for the purposes of tax credits. Remember to deduct all tax deductible expenditure, and if you are not sure what is and is not tax deductible, why not give us a call.
For those of you whose self-employed income may have dropped since last year, it would be beneficial to get your tax returns for the tax year ending 5 April 2015 done this month, before the end of the month, as it may mean that your next payment on account due on 31 July 2015 is smaller than you were expecting. Hooray!!
Again, if you need help, why not give us a call on 0800 180 4252.
Enjoy your summer holidays.