You may have noticed that when you log onto lots of websites now there is a link to click on getting ready for Brexit. It covers things like tourists travelling abroad. HMRC has its own link “Get Ready for Brexit” and it covers import and export of goods. Yesterday I attended a seminar on Brexit and VAT. It was very thought-provoking and a little worrying, I have to admit.
What struck me is that there are SO many implications of leaving the EU, just in terms of the VAT rules, never mind the rest of it. Yet we were given the decision of remain or leave without knowing hardly any of the real implications!
Anyway, as we still don’t know what the future holds, there is very little firm planning that can be done, except for one thing…
If you wish to trade or continue to trade with the EU, you will need an EORI number. You can get this from HMRC and you can even access it through your government gateway account. We have been advised that HMRC have allocated an EORI number to all VAT registered entities. But you need to find out what it is so that you can trade.
You can use the link this